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    配方说明: Imitation Cheese Block
    配方组成: Adipic Acid/0.25
    Maltodextrin (10 DE)/5.32
    Potassium Sorbate/0.20
    Color and Flavor/to suit
    CaSO4 2H2O/3.00
    Gelcarin GP 911/2.50
    Sodium Caseinate/11.00
    Sodium Chloride/2.00
    配制方法: Melt shortening in a steam jacketed kettle with a surface scraping stirrer such as a Stephan Cooker by raising its temperature to 85-90 C.
    This type of kettle allows the introduction of all ingredients at once without concern of lumping or solubility problems.
    Dry blend the dry ingredients homogeneously and gradually add this mix into the hot shortening with continuous and adequate agitation.
    Considerable lumping may occur if this dry-blend is added too fast. Make sure ingredients are completely dissolved.
    Heat the water up 85-90 C, then slowly add into the shortening/mix while constantly agitating. Maintain temperature at 85 C.
    After a smooth and homogeneous mix is obtained, pour contents into containers and store.
    Note: Flavor may be added just prior to filling to minimize its loss during heating.

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