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    配方说明: Cherry Pie Filling
    配方组成: **Suggested products include Col Fol 67, Thermflo, or Polar Gel 15.
    Methocel K100M Premium/0.3
    Sucrose and/or HFCS*/21.0
    42 D.E. Corn Syrup/0.7
    Fruit (frozen cherries, 5 + 1 pack)/50.0
    Starch (modified waxy maize)**/2.5
    *42% high fructose corn syrup.
    配制方法: Combine approximately 2/3 of the juice and/or water with the sugars under agitation and heat to approximately 200 F. Slowly disperse dry Methocel powder into hot sugar solution under moderate agitation. Slurry starch in remainder of juice and/or water. Add starch slurry to above mixture. Heat back to 200 F and hold approximately 10 min. Add filling to cold fruit and gently mix in fruit pieces.
    Note: Recipe can be used as a starting formula for all fruit pies, including berry, apple, peach, etc. Minor adjustments may need to be made in levels of starch and/or Methocel to help achieve your desired consistency. Minor adjustments in sugar levels may also be desired depending on the required sweetness. Sucrose, corn syrups, and high fructose corn syrups may all be used in varying combinations.

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