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    配方说明: Refractory Mixture
    配方组成: Sand (140 Mesh)/45.0
    Magnesium Oxide/0.4
    Sand (35-60 Mesh)/20.0
    Silica Flour/34.6
    配制方法: To insure even distribution of the magnesium oxide, mix it with the silica flour and then add this mixture to the sand. Magnesium oxide is incorporated as a neutralizing agent for the hydrochloric acid.
    Satisfactory results are obtained by mixing 100 cc. (3.4 oz.) of the binder solution with 1 lb. of the refractory mixture. This blend is poured around the wax pattern, settled on a vibrating table, and allowed to gel.
    Where a smooth casting and reproduction of fine detail are necessary, a fine-grained refractory composition should be in contact with the fusible pattern. This can be accomplished most economically by using a primary dip coat followed by backing up with the regular investment.

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