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    配方说明: The First Rinse
    配制方法: Addition of sodium "Tetrine" to the first rise has beneficial results. The regenerated soap produces substantial suds, giving extra sudsing to the goods at no sacrifice of time. Calcium and magnesium and, more important, iron, nickel, and copper compounds present in the bleach bath are chelated, thus preventing the deposition of metallic soaps on the goods.
    When 3-gr. hardness per gallon water is encountered, sufficient sodium "Tetrine" should be added to the first rinse to assure the addition of 2 oz. of sodium "Tetrine" per 100 lb. of clothes washed. In some cases, this quantity must be reduced to prevent the development of excessive suds. As soap should always be balanced by alkali in laundering, we recommend the addition of 2 oz. of stock solution of silicate per 2 oz.
    of sodium "Tetrine" liquid to provide the proper alkali balance.

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