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    配方说明: Chemical Luminescence
    配方组成: Water/To make 2 liters
    Potassium Ferricyanide/5 g.
    5% Solution of Sodium Hydroxide/25 ccc.
    "Chemice-Lume"/0.2 g.
    3-Amino Phthalhydrazide/0.2 g.
    Water/To make 2 liters
    3% Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide/25 cc.
    配制方法: By pouring solution 1 into solution 2, a bright luminescence is obtained. Use 4 1-liter beakers for convenience. The demonstration can be made more striking by using 500 cc. beakers containing small amounts of the following: Anthracene which will produce greenish-blue color with some of solutions 1 and 2.
    Fluorescein to obtain rich, deep gold color.
    Erythrosein to obtain purple glow.
    Eosin to obtain orange color.
    Ureanium nitrate to obtain brilliant gold color.

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