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    配方说明: Fabric-Polyester Laminate
    配制方法: Add 0.05 g diethyl aniline to 100 g of polyester varnish E and mix well. Disperse 3 g "Luperco" ATC in the resin. Cut 12 pieces of glass cloth No.181, 6 x 9 inches with No.114 finish, and weigh them (about 85 g). With a spatula, spread 4 to 5 g of resin on one side of each piece.
    Take a piece of cellophane and put one of the glass-cloth pieces on it with the resin side down. Apply some resin with the spatula on the upper side of the cloth and then place the remaining eleven pieces on top of each other with the wet side up. The total amount of resin used should be approximately 57 g which will give a ratio of glass cloth to resin of 60:40. Cover the sandwich with another piece of cellophane and then let stand for about 1 hour so that the resin will have time to gel. Cure the laminate in a press at 120' to 130'C, and 15 to 50 psi for 20 to 30 minutes. A hard, smooth laminate with good flexural and impact strength results.
    The other polyester varnishes can be used in the same way either by themselves o

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