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    配方说明: Tender Cast Starch Jellies (for sanding) (Large Batch)
    配方组成: Granulated Sugar/55
    Thin Boiling Starch (No.50-60)/11.5
    Cornn Syrup (42 D.E.)/40
    B: Water/55
    A: Water/55
    C: Cream of Tartar/0.125
    配制方法: Mix Part A. Set aside. Place Part B in kettle with double action stirrers and bring to boil. Add Part C. Add starch/watr mixture in a fine stream. Keep boiling. Cook and stir, applying 80-90 lb of steam pressure. Cook to a good string or shet. Turn off heat. Add color and flavor as desired. Mix well.
    Cast batch into dry starch tempered to 110-130'F. Sprinkle starch over surface. Transfer to drying room tempered to 125-135 F, or leave in starch impression at normal room temperature for 2-3 days. When firm, remove jellies from starch, moisten with steam or water, and sand with sugar crystals.

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