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    配方说明: Banana Delight Dessert (Dry Mix)
    配方组成: Nonfat Dry Milk/15.00
    "Fro-Dex" 24D Corn Syrup Solids/4.20
    "Lamequick" M/15.00
    "Genuvisco" Carrageenan (type CSW-2)/1.00
    "Amaizo" 721-A Starch/2.45
    Sucrose (superfine)/47.85
    "Beatreme" CS/14.00
    Cellulose Gum (type 9H4XF)/0.50
    配制方法: The proportion of dry mix in the finished product is 20.45%.
    For a Thick-Shake Consistency: Use 350 g (16 oz) of crushed ice (approximately 13 standard-size ice cubes, crushed). Put ice in a blender and allow to sit for 3-4 min. Add contents of the package (90 g). Blend at high speed, occasionally stopping to thoroughly scrape the sides of the blender to ensure a uniform consistency.
    Note: It is important to allow the crushed ice to sit for a few min to allow for easier blending with the dry mix.
    For a Lighter Consistency: Place approximately 175 ml (6 oz) of cold water and approximately 175 g(8 oz) of crushed ice into a blender and run at low speed for approximately 15 s. Add contents of the package (90 g). Blend at high speed until uniform.

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