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    配方类型: DRUGS
    配方说明: Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Preparations
    配方组成: Polyethylene Glycol 12/5.00
    B: Deionized Water/77.80
    Deionized Water/1.50
    Cetyl Alcohol/4.00
    Aged (seven weeks @ 40 C
    Brookfield Visc., RVT, 20 rpm, cP/12,200
    "Carbopol" 940/0.25
    Brookfield Yield Value/720
    C: Sodium Hydroxide (18% sol'n)/0.35
    Glycerol Monostearate/2.00
    A: Isopropyl Palmitate/4.00
    Brookfield Visc., RVT, 20 rpm, cP/13,900
    D: Benzoyl Peroxide/5.00
    Brookfield Yield Value/1,150
    配制方法: Part A---Combine the emollients of Part A and heat to 70 C.
    Part B---Disperse the "Carbopol" resin in water. When uniform, heat to 70 C and add to Part A. Allow entrapped air to escape. Part C---Add the sodium hydroxide solution to combined Parts A and B with slow-speed stirring, and cool below 40 C.
    Part D---Grind these ingredients into a smooth paste and add to the above.

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