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    配方说明: Dry Mix Dressing (Italian) (Household)
    配方组成: Viscarin SD 339 Carrageenan/0.1 oz
    White Vinegar (5% acidity)/0.25 cup
    Seasoning Mix #9849-A-36/0.1 oz or to taste
    Water/0.25 cup
    Vegetable Oil/0.5 cup
    配制方法: Combine liquid ingredinets by stirring until thoroughly mixed.
    Slowly add the blended spices and Viscarin to the liquid phase. Continue mixing until the liquid has thickened. After use, refrigerate the remaining slad dressing for better stability.
    Note: The resultant salad dressing is at a pH range of 3.4-4.0 which provides tartness and mouthfeel typical of oil and vinegar systems.
    Increased amounts of oil or spices may require a higher level of Viscarin carrageenan.

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