中国化工网首页 >> 化工助手 >> 化学配方数据库
配方类型: |
配方说明: |
Experimental Fruit Spread |
配方组成: |
B: Isosweet 180 or 5500 HFCS/17.9 Rezista Starch/2.6 Mira-Gel^T^M 463 Starch/0.9 Neto 7350 Corn Syrup/29.8 A: 4 x 1 Strawberries/48.8 |
配制方法: |
Mix and cook ingredients in Part A to 217 F in a steam-jacketed kettle. Check solids with refractometer and adjust to 62% by adding water or cooking as necessary to evaporate excess moisture. To prepare Part B ingredients, mix the 463 Starch into the HFCS to form a smooth syrup concentrate. Add to the hot ingredients (Part A) and blend. Hot fill and pasteurize to 180 F center temperature if necessary. |