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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Latex Traffic Line Coating (Polyethylene)
    配方组成: Keltrol 1074/32.0
    Celite 281/5.0
    C: Intercar Cobalt (6%)/0.3
    Mississippi M-60/14.5
    D: Toluol/19.0
    Short Stuff Polyethylene 13 038F/2.0
    Mica (325 mesh, WG)/6.0
    Nytal 300/6.0
    A: Ti-Pure R-900-01/14.5
    B: Kelecin F/0.7
    配制方法: Blend Ti-Pure R-900-01 and Mississippi M-60. Add Nytal 300 and mix.
    Add Celite 281 and mix for 5 min. Add one-half of the Short Stuff Polyethylene 13 038F and mix. Add the mica and mix. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly. Preblend Part B; mix until smooth. Blend Part A and mix with Part B to a smooth consistency. Add the remainder of Short Stuff Polyethylene 13 038F and mix for 5 min, slowly adding Part D; mix until homogeneous. Add Part C and mix for 10 min.
    Physical Properties: PVC---46.2% Vehicle Solid---37.2% Total Solids (wt.)---67.5% Visc. (Spindle #5, 20 rpm, 24 C)--24,000 cps Wt./Gal---11.5 lb

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