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    配方说明: Salad Dressing (No Oil/Low Oil Pourable Italian Type)
    配方组成: Vegetable Oil/optional-up to 2.0
    White Vinegar (5% HOAc)/24.0
    Viscarin SD 389/0.2
    Xanthan Gum/0..2
    Herbs and Spices/to suit
    配制方法: Cold Process: Combine vinegar with 75% of available water in a mixing tank. Dry blend the stabilizer and sugar before adding to vinegar/water solution. Agitate until stabilizers are completely hydrated.
    In separate tanks, dissolve salt and hydrate herb and spice in remaining (25%) water. Combine both parts while rapidly agitating until uniform thickening is achieved. Avoid air incorporation. Fill into containers.
    Notes: Acetic acid may be used instead of vinegar. The degree of substitution will depend upon desired acidity level. The volume difference can then be adjusted by additional water.
    At the pH range of 2.7-3.0, there is sufficient tartness which is typical of salad dressings. Sweetness is contributed by the sugar.
    Pigments from the herbs and spices can be removed by prehydration to avoid color migration and cloud.l this formulation and procedure are general suggestions. The ratios of Viscarin and xanthan gum can be adjusted to provide different textural and suspension characteristi

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