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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Vinyl Acetate-Veova Latex for Wet Adhesion
    配方组成: Deionized Water/367.00
    Abex 1404/45.30
    Al-Co-Cure^T^M TMPTA/1.20
    Vinyl Acetate/g
    Sodium Persulfate/1.00
    Sodium Metabisulfite/1.24
    Sipomer WAM/5.00
    VV-10 Vinyl Monomer (Veova)/343.00
    t-Butyl Hydroperoxide (90%)/0.70
    配制方法: Charge to a 1-liter reactor 120 g water and purge with nitrogen while heating to 55 C. Prepare a solution of sodium persulfate in 36 g water. Prepare a solution of 0.98 g sodium metabisulfite in 50 g water.
    Prepare a solution of Sipomer WAM in 20 g water. Prepare a pre-emulsion of vinyl acetate, Veova, TMPTA, and 0.5 g t-butyl hydroperoxide blend by addition of blend to a solution of Abex 1404 in 131 g water, with vigorous agitation. At 55 C charge to the reactor 4 ml of sodium metabisulfite solution, 2% of the preemulsion, and 4 ml of the sodium persulfate solution. Use fairly high agitation during seed latex preparation. After seed late formation, add pre-emulsion and redox system (sodium persulfate and metabisulfite) over 4 h. Add the Sipomer WAM solution over a 2-h period. Polymerize at 57-64 C. Post-add 0.26 g sodium metabisulfite and 0.2 g t-butyl hydroperoxide, each in 5.0 g water over a period of 45 min. Hold at 57-64 C an extra 20 min, after all materials are charged. Cool latex and discharge. <

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