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    配方类型: EMULSIONS
    配方说明: Yeast Process Defoamer
    配方组成: Oleic Acid/4.2
    Ester Gum/23.0
    配制方法: The emulsions of paraffin wax with carnauba wax and stearic acid are the most stable of all those suggested and show good stability even in extremely high dilutions. Casein can be used in place of carnauba wax or beeswax, although the resulting emulsions are less stable than those containing carnauba wax. For best results, oleic acid is not recommended with paraffin wax when either casein or beeswax is used. A mold inhibitor should be added to the hot melted wax mixture just before adding the water, when casein is used in the formulation. About 5% phenol, based on the casein, may be used.
    Two different methods may be used for the preparation of these emulsions.
    METHOD 1 Melt the waxes and fatty acid in a hot-water or steam-jacketed kettle and heat to 95'C. When casein is used, heat the paraffin wax-stearic acid mixture to only 75'C. before stirring in the dry casein.
    Add the amine slowly, stirring constantly, until the solution clears.
    Heat the water to boiling and add it slowly, a little

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