中国化工网首页 >> 化工助手 >> 化学配方数据库
配方类型: |
配方说明: |
"Thiokol" Liquid Polymer Emulsion |
配方组成: |
Water/90.4 "Thiokol" Curing Agen "Veegum"/1.1 WATER PHASE OIL PHASE Water/38.1 Cumene Hydroperoxide (70%)/3.3 Diphenylguanidine/1.2 5% "Methocel" (15 cp) Solution/33.1 "Permosol" Base/1.1 "Thiokol" LP-2/27.7 5% "Methocel" (15 cps) Solution/4.0 |
配制方法: |
The emulsion is prepared by adding the cumene hydroperoxide to a solution of the water, "Permosol" base and "Methocel." The resultant mixture is emulsified by passing it once through a colloid mill with 0.003-in. clearance after which the diphenylguanidine is added to the solution. The final mixture is then given two more passes through the colloid mill. After standing at room temperature for 24 hours, the emulsion is passed once again through the colloid mill. The stability of the emulsion is limited to approximately 1 month. Use 6 parts of curing agent in 100 parts of "Thiokol." |