配方类型: |
配方说明: |
Delayed-Tack Adhesive (U.S. Patent No.2,462,029) |
配方组成: |
Thinned Amine Dispersant/240 "Santicizer" 1-H/50 "Acrysol" M.R./10 "Vinsol" Resin/50 |
配制方法: |
The thinned amine dispersant is a mixture of 1 part stearic acid, 1 part "Polypale" resin, * 1 part of 2-amino-2-methyl 1-propanol**, and 3 parts of water. *A polymerized rosin containing approximately 40% dipolymers of abietic acid (Hercules Powder Co.). **Commercial Solvents Corp. |