配方类型: |
配方说明: |
Delayed-Tack Adhesive (U.S. Patent No.2,462,029) (U.S. Patent 2,613,156) |
配制方法: |
Ten parts polystyrene (molecular weight 10,000 to 15,000) and 40 parts diphenyl phthalate are mixed and heated together at approximately 190'F., forming a clear fluid. While still at this temperature, the fluid is poured into a mixture of 6 parts of a 25% aqueous solution of Aerosol" OT, 4.5 parts polyvinyl Alcohol ("Elvanol" 50-42), and 75.5 parts water; the solution being at about 190'F., constant agitation is maintained, resulting in a homogeneous emulsion. The emulsion is then permitted to cool. This formulation is improved by the addition, after cooling, of 8 parts of "Geon" polyblend 550X20. This will form a smooth nongrainy film when spread evenly on paper and will dry to a completely tack-free surface. when heated to 170'F., the film becomes very tacky and adhesive, retaining these properties for as long as 70 seconds while cooling. |