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    配方说明: Nonirritating Deodorant Cream Acid Emulsifying
    配方组成: Distilled Water/550.0 cc.
    Spermaceti/50.0 cc.
    Glyceryl Monostearate/150.0 g.
    Titanium Dioxide/20.0 g.
    Aluminum sulfocarbolate/150.0 g.
    Methylparasept/1.0 g.
    Boric Acid Powder/50.0 g.
    Propylene Glycol/30.0 cc.
    配制方法: Heat the acid glyceryl monostearate, propylene glycol, spermaceti, "Methylparasept," and distilled water together, gradually raising the temeprature, not exceeding 85'C., until all ingredients are melted. Stir until cool. Add the titanium dioxide, aluminum sulfocarbolate, and boric acid. Mix thoroughly on an ointment slab. Allow the ointment to stand overnight before milling.

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