配方类型: |
配方说明: |
Electric-Shaver Aftershave Cream Lotion |
配方组成: |
Preservative/To suit Menthol/0.1 Glycerin/5.0 Glyceryl Monostearate/3.5 Water/81.6 Alcohol/7.0 Triethanolamine/0.8 Lavender Bouquet/To suit White Oleic Acid/2.0 |
配制方法: |
Melt the glyceryl monostearate with the oleic acid. Heat together the glycerin, triethanolamine, preservative, and water to approximately the same temperature and add to the first mixture, with high-speed stirring. When the temperature drops to 50'C., add the menthol and perfume dissolved in alcohol. Continue stirring until the emulsion is cool. |