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    配方说明: Antimidge Cream
    配方组成: Sodium Hydroxide/0.3 g.
    Dimethyl Phthalate/50.0 cc.
    Glyceryl Monostearate/5.0 g.
    Triple-Pressed Stearic Acid/30.0 g.
    Oil of Citronella/1.0 cc.
    Water/15.0 cc.
    配制方法: The stearic acid and glyceryl monostearate should be melted together and the hot solution of caustic soda added, with constant stirring.
    While still warm, the phthalate is added and finally the oil of citronella. both should be stirred in well. The consistency of the cream can be adjusted by increasing or reducing the water content, and it may be necessary to add preservatives.

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