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    配方说明: (20%) Paraffin-Wax Emulsion (Cationic)
    配方组成: Glacial Acetic Acid/0.35
    "Ethomeen" 18/12/2.00
    Refined Paraffin Wax (138-140'F)/20.00
    "Ethofat" 60/25/4.00
    配制方法: Heat the paraffin wax, "Ethofat," and "Ethomeen" at 150'F. until liquid. Add 10 parts of the water, heated to 150'F. or over, slowly with paddle agitation to disperse the emulsifier thoroughly. Add the balance of hot water rapidly, using the same type of agitation. Agitate until the temperature of the emulsion reaches 140'F. Hold and add the acetic acid while stirring. Continue agitating until 120'F. is reached.
    This formula yields an excellent emulsion having fine particle size and low viscosity. It may be thinned with tap water to any concentration.
    Its dried films are continuous, transparent, and have fair gloss.
    Laboratory-prepared emulsions have been stored for 6 months without any creaming or unstable condition developing. Based on previous experience with similar colloidal emulsions, it is believed that this emulsion will remain stable for extended periods of time under moderate storage conditions.

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