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    配方说明: Low-Viscosity A-C Polyethylene Emulsion
    配方组成: Morpholine/8
    A-C Polyethylene (629, 630, 631)/40
    Oleic Acid/8
    配制方法: Melt the polyethylene and then add the oleic acid at 100 to 150'C.
    In the laboratory, use a hot plate. With the temperature of the melt at 120 to 130'C., add the morpholine and hold the temperature at 110 to 115'C. Avoid boiling out the morpholine and open flames, as morpholine has a flash point of 100'F.
    While the polyethylene is being melted, heat the water at 95 to 98'C. by bringing to a boil and turning the heat off a few minutes before use.
    With good stirring, slowly (in 3 to 5 minutes) add the melt to the water. The temperature of the melt should be 110 to 115'C. Cover and, with moderate stirring, allow to cool. A cover of aluminum or stainless steel with a slit for the stirrer is recommended.
    In small laboratory preparations, some polyethylene may separate due to water evaporation or poor addition. This may be removed from the emulsion by filtering through a double fold of cheesecloth.
    Modifications are possible in the formula. Carnauba or similar waxes may be used to replace t

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