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    配方类型: PAPER
    配方说明: Ground-Wood Bleach
    配方组成: The quantity of chemicals to be employed will depend on the wood to
    be bleached and on the brightness increase desired. As a typical
    example, in recent plant trials, a brightness increase of 9 points was
    obtained by use of the following formula in a beater heated with live
    steam. Percentages of chemicals are based on the weight of the dry pulp
    Sodium Silicate/5.00%
    Hydrogen Peroxide/0.91 of H2O2 or 2.6 of 130.0 volume
    Epsom Salts/0.02%.
    Caustic Soda/1.00%

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码