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    配方类型: PAPER
    配方说明: Typical Casein Solution
    配方组成: Water/386 lb.
    Borax/10 lb.
    Dry Casein/100 lb.
    Concentrated Ammonia/4 lb.
    配制方法: If possible use a jacketed hemispherical kettle with steam and cold-water attachments. Measure the cold water (302 lb.). Start the agitator. Weigh in the casein (100 lb.). Let soak for 15 to 30 minutes.
    Adjust the temperature to 120'F. Dissolve 10 lb. of borax in 80 lb. of water in a separate container and pour slowly into the kettle. Mix 15 to 20 minutes. Add 4 lb. of ammonia in 4 lb. of water. Stir for 1 hour.
    Shut off the steam. Cool with cold water to the desired temperature.
    Finally, shut off the agitator.
    The ratio of water to casein is usually between 4 to 1 and 5 to 1. With 4 parts and less of water to 1 part of casein, the mixture may be quite thick, particularly immediately after adding the alkalies and, therefore, the agitating equipment must be of rugged construction.
    The 5 to 1 ratio is most satisfactory with average equipment, as the mix will be thin enough to stir fairly easily. The use of appreciably higher water to casein ratios is not practicable because the solids c

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