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    配方类型: PAPER
    配方说明: Alkaline Casein Solution
    配方组成: Soda Ash/12-15
    It will be noted that trisodium phosphate is not included in these
    formulae. This chemical has been used extensively and gives thin
    solutions, especially with colors containing satin white. However,
    color, foaming tendency, lower paper adhesive strength, and other
    difficulties resulted in the elimination of trisodium phosphate from
    most coating formulae. Sodium hydroxide can be used, but often is
    avoided because of possible excessive alkalinity, with resulting
    decomposition of casein, if the quantity is not accurately controlled.
    However. some mills have used sodium hydroxide quite successfully.
    The use of larger amounts of borax than given in formulae 1 to 4 is
    quite desirable in many cases. The use of more borax, with less of such
    alkalies as soda ash, phosphate, etc., gives casein with excellent
    keeping qualities, but its use is limited by its tendency to thicken
    with satinwhite colors and by its slightly higher cost. An
    配制方法: In work at the University of Michigan, it was indicated that increasing amounts of alkali give a better coating bond (higher wax test). Excess alkali certainly is necessary to take care of minor variations in casein acidity and pigment absorption, to give complete casein solution, to obtain proper color flow, and to give thin colors when satin white is used. However, it has been found that the use of excessive amounts of alkali (for example, to obtain higher wax tests) is not always good practice. Difficulties that might be encountered include: printing trouble, foaming trouble, brittleness of the coating, decomposition of the coating color, and darkening of the sheet color.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码