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    配方说明: List of Spotting Agents
    配方组成: SEMISAF
    Isopropyl Alcohol
    Fusel Oil (Amyl Alcohol)
    Butyl Alcohol
    Sulfuric Ether
    Wood Methyl Alcohol
    Grain Ethyl Alcohol
    Cyclohexanol (Hexalin)
    配制方法: If a mixture contains unsafe or semisafe chemicals, their total amount should not be more than 30% of the total volume of the mixture.
    The safe chemicals should evaporate as slowly as, or more slowly than, the unsafe or semisafe chemicals. The unsafe and semisafe chemicals must be soluble in the safe chemical.
    All spotting agents should be thoroughly removed from the fabric by rinsing on completion of stain removal.
    There are many proprietary preparations on the market which are very effective on the type of stains for which they are made, when carefully used in accordance with instructions. Many are labeled "Safe on 'Celanese' fibers." It is recommended that, whenever possible, trade products are used because of the uniformity and stability of their composition and because of their generally high effectiveness.
    The formulae and preparations listed in the following are safe on "Celanese" fibers, but with the widespread use of the steam-spotting gun, it has been found that, in some cases, t

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