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    配方说明: Improved Mounting Medium for Microscope Slides
    配方组成: Water/30.00 cc.
    70% Acetone/14.00 cc.
    Thymol/0.05 g.
    High-Viscosity Polyvinyl Alcohol/4.00 g.
    Lactic Acid/15.00 cc.
    Glycerin/15.00 cc.
    配制方法: Add the acetone to the polyvinyl alcohol inn a dry, glassstoppered bottle and shake well. Mix the glycerin and lactic acid with 15 cc. of the water and add with constannt shaking. After standing for 10 minutes, add the rest of the water, then the thymol, and, after further shaking, heat the bottle on a water bath at about 70'C. until all the particles of resin have dissolved. This takes 0.5 to 1 hour, but if the polyvinyl alcohol is first passed through a 60-mesh sieve, the time can be reduced to about 15 minutes.
    Under these conditions, the resin does not clump and the resulting mixture is a translucent, viscous, homogeneous liquid. When used to mount specimens on glass slides, the medium is firm enough to handle within an hour of application. The setting time can be reduced to 5 minutes by warming the mount over a low flame. Further hardeninng takes place with time, but the mounting does not become brittle as do some of the other media in current use.

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