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    Cold cream

    配方类型: Elementary preparations
    配方组成: White Beeswax/14 g
    Heat this in an aluminum or enameled double boiler..(The
    water in the outer pot should be brought to a boil.) In a separate
    aluminum or enameled pot dissolv
    Borax/1 g
    Liquid Petrolatum/52 g
    Water/33 cc
    配制方法: and bring this to a boil. Add this in a thin stream to the melted was, while stirring vigorously in one direciton only. When the temperature drops to 140 F, and 0.5 cc perfume oil and continue stirring until the temperature drops to 120 F. At this point, pour in to jars, where the cream will set after a while. If a harder cream is desired, reduce the amount of liquid petrolatum. If a softer cream is wanted, increase it.

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