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    配方说明: Paperhanger's Paste
    配方组成: Rye Flour/1 lb
    Cold Water/8 oz
    Cold Water/16 fl oz
    Boiling Water/64 fl oz
    Venice Turpentine/2 fl oz
    White Fish Glue/4 oz
    配制方法: Soak the glue in the first amount of cold water for 4 hr. Dissolve on a waterbath (glue-pot) and while hot stir in the Venice Turpentine.
    Use a cheap grade of rye or wheat flour, mix thoroughly with the second amount of cold water to about the consistency of dough or a little thinner, being careful to remove all lumps. Stir in 1 tbsp of powdered alum to 1 qt flour, then pour in the boiling water, stirring rapidly until the flour is thoroughly cooked. Let this cool and finally add the glue solution. This makes a very strong paste which will also adhere to a painted surface, owing to the Venice turpentine content.

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