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    Soaps and Cleaners

    配方说明: Waterproofing Paper and Fiberboard
    配方组成: The following composion and method of application will make
    uncalendered Paper, fiberboard, and similar porous material waterproof
    Trihydroxyethylamine Stearate/3.0
    Parrafin (M.P. about 130'F.)/22.5
    配制方法: The paraffin wax is melted and the stearate added to it. The water is then heated to nearly the boiling point and vigorously agitated with a suitable mechanical stirring device while the mixture of melted wax and emulsifier is being slowly added. This mixture is cooled while it is stirred. The paper on fiberboard is coated on the side which is to be in contact with water. This method works most effectively on paper-pulp molded containers and has the advantage of being much cheaper than dipping in melted paraffin as only about one tenth as much paraffin is needed. In addition, the outside of the container is not greasy and can be printed on after treatment which is not the case when treating with melted max

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