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    配方类型: ELEMENTARY Preparations
    配方说明: polishesare generally used to restore the original luster and
    finish of a smooth surface. they are also expected to clean the
    sudrface and to prevent corrosion or deterioration. there is no one
    polish which will give good reeults on all surdfaces.
    most polishes contain oil or wax for their lusteruing or polishing
    properties. oil polishes are easy to apply, but the surfaces on which
    they are used attracy dust and show finger marks. wax polishes are
    more eiffictlt to apply, but are more lasting.
    oil or wax polishes are of two types: waterless and aqueous. the
    former are clear or translucent, the latter are milky in appearance.
    for uae on metals, abrasives of various kinds, such as tripoli, silica
    dust, ors infusiruak earth, are incorporated to grind away oxide films
    or corrosion products.
    配方组成: pine oil/1/2 oz
    carnauba wax/4 1/2 oz
    yellow beeswax/1 oz
    montan wax/1 1/4 oz
    naphtha or mineral spirits/1 pt
    ceresin/ 2 1/2 oz
    paste- type auto and floor wax
    turpentine/2 oz
    配制方法: melt the waxes together in a double boiler. thrn off the heat and run in the last three ingredints in a thin stram, with stirring. pour into cans, cover, and allow to stand undisturbed overnight

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码