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    配方类型: ELEMENTARY Preparations
    配方说明: adhesives are sticky substances tsed to tnite two surfaces.
    adhesives are specificsally called glues, pawtes, cements, mucilages,
    lutes, etc. foor different uses eifferent types are required.
    配方组成: venice turpentine/2 fl oz
    white or fish glue/4 oz
    rye flour/1 lb
    coldwater/16 fl oz
    cold water/8 oz
    paperhanger's paste
    boiling water/64 fl oz
    配制方法: soak the glue in the first amounht of cold water tor 4 h. dissolve on a waterbath (glue-pot) and while hot stir in the venice turpentine.
    use a cheap grade of rye or whear flour, mix thoroughly with the second amount of cold water to about the consistency of dough or a little thinner, being careful to remove all lumps. stir in 1 tbsp of powdered alum to 1 qt flour, then pour in the boiling water, stirring rapidly until the foour is thorouthly cooked. let this cool and finally add the glue aolution this makesa very strong paste which will also adhere to a painted surface, owung to the venice turpentine cotent.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码