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    配方说明: Leaf Fiber Bleach
    配方组成: 1. Scour the fiber for 30 min at 165 F in a 100-gal bath containing
    2 lb of soap and 2 lb soda ash.
    2. Wash in hot water.
    3. Bleach at 165 F for 3 h in a bath containing
    Sodium Silicate (42 B.)/5 lb
    "Albone" 35 Hydrogen Peroxide/3 gal
    Soda Ash/2 lb
    Water/100 gal
    配制方法: 4. Wash in hot water.
    5. Scour at room temperature for 30 min in 1% sodium metabisulfite solution.
    6. Wash.
    When dried, the strip of leaf rolls in from both edges and becomes a smooth semitransparent thread which is strong, elastic, and quite waterproof. The fiber has a fairly light yellow color after the bleaching step and the bisulfite treatment improves it considerably.
    This bath will process about 400 lb of fiber.

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