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    配方说明: Feather Bleach
    配方组成: Duck and chicken feathers are occasionally bleached with hydrogen
    peroxide. As a rule, the bleaching of such featehrs is limited to
    removing the yellowish tinge from naturally white feathers. It is
    impossible to bleach dark feathers to a clear white since they cannot
    withstand the necessary treatment in hot, alkaline peroxide solutions.
    Feathers may be bleached in stainless steel or ceramicware tanks fitted
    with heating coils. Wooden grates or stainless steel rods to hold the
    feathers under the surface of the bath should be available.
    The formulas and procedures given below are not necessary. It is
    strongly recommended that small scale trials be made to determine if the
    results are satisfactory and to make certain that the feathers are not
    being damaged before large bleaching operations are begun.
    the feathers are usually scoured at 120'F in a mildly alkaline soap
    bath. Either soda ash or sodium silicate may be added but unless th
    配制方法: 3. Load the feathers loosely into the bath. Loading should reduce the bath temperature to about 120'F. Hold the bath at 120'F throughout a 5-6 h bleaching period or allow the temperature to drop gradually to room temperature over a longer period of time.
    4. Remove the feathers from the bath (which may be replenished and reused) and rinse thoroughly with warm water, changing the water at least three times. Give a final cold rinse and dry the feathers at low temperature. Drying in a current of air will help to fluff the feathers.

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