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    配方说明: Clear Emulsions
    配方组成: "Tween" Surfactant/n% (to obtain clarity)
    Water (or mixtures of water with alcohols, polyols or sugars)/(99-n)
    Oil or Wax/1
    配制方法: Normally, the oil and surfactant are first mixed thoroughly, at which stage the mixture should become sparkling clear. Heat may be applied if necessary. For a soluble concentrate, this is the only step required. In preparing a solubilized product the aqueous phase is added slowly, with continuous agitation.
    A good starting point for a solubilization problem is to try about five parts of a "Tween" surfactant or other hydrophilic emulsifier to one part of oil. If a clear emulsion is obtained, or if the concentrated oil-emulsifier mix produces a clear product when added to water, it may then be possible to use less emulsifier. On the other hand, if the emulsion is cloudy, higher levels of emulsifier must be used.

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