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    配方说明: Polyethylene Emulsion
    配方组成: Potassium Hydroxide (90% flake)/0.85
    Ethylene Glycol/1.7
    Water (to 25% solids) 158
    (Wax to Water)
    FORMULA No.13 (Ionic
    A-C Copolymer 540/40
    "Igepal" CO-530 Nonionic Surfactant/10
    Ethoxylated Octyl Phenol (9-10 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Ethoxylated Nonyl Phenol (9-11 moles ethylene oxide)/10
    Ethoxylated Lauryl Alcohol (12 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Ethoxylated Linear Secondary Alcohol (9-12 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Potassium Hydroxide (90% flake)/0.85
    Ethylene Glycol/1.7
    "Epolene" E10 or E14 Emulsifiable Polyethylene/-
    Water (to 25% solids) 158
    (Wax to Water)
    Potassium Hydroxide/-
    A-C Copolymer 540/40
    Ethoxylated Octyl Phenol (9-10 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Ethoxylated Nonyl Phenol (9-11 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Ethoxylated Lauryl Alcohol (12 moles ethylene oxide)/10
    Ethoxylated Linear Secondary Alcohol (9-12 moles ethylene oxide)/-
    Ethylene Glycol/-
    Potassium Hydroxide (90% flake)/0.85
    Ethylene Glyc
    配制方法: 1. Heat wax and fatty acid at 125-130'C (257-266'F) until molten.
    (a) Formulation No. 10: Predissolve KOH with warm ethylene glycol and add to melt at 125'C, (257'F) with agitation. Then stir until most of the foam disappears.
    2. With continued agitation add amine and reheat to 125-130'C (257-266'F); (b) Formulation No. 11 only: Add ammonium hydroxide to heated water just prior to pouring molten mixture.
    (c) Formulations with agitation and reheat to 125-130'C (257-266'F) before pouring.
    3. Pour with rapid agitation into water at 95-98'C (203-208'F); 4. Cool to room temperature with agitation.
    5. For optimum emulsion quality, it is recommended that the molten wax mixture be introduced below the surface of water, close to the point of agitation during emulsification.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码