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    配方说明: Mineral Dyeing
    配方组成: Ferric sulphate/3.0
    *Upon addition of the carbonate solution, CO2 effervesces and a pale
    FORMULA No.7 (Lavender-Fungicidal
    Cobalt citrate/4.0
    Zirconyl ammonium carbonate solution (10% ZrO2)/94.0
    Ammonium hydroxide (29 to 30% NH3)/2.0
    Cobalt citrate/8.0
    Copper metaborate/2.0
    Zirconyl ammonium carbonate solution (10% ZrO2)/86.0
    Ammonium hydroxide/4.0
    buff colored precipitate is formed. The addition of ammonium sulfite and
    Water (soft or distilled)/70.0
    monoethanolamine redissolves this to produce a clear bath.
    Bath (A)
    Chromic chloride solution (8 to 9% Cr)/78.0
    Zirconyl ammonium carbonate solution (10% ZrO2)*/10.0
    Water (soft or distilled)/20.0
    Ferrous sulphate crystals (heptahydrate)/2.0
    Bath (B)
    Ammonium oxalate crystals (monohydrate)/3.0
    Ammonium sulfite crystals (monohydrate)/9.0
    Sodium hydroxide (98% NaOH)/5.0
    Sodium carbonate (anhydrous)/10.0
    Water (Soft or distilled)/85.0
    Potassium or

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