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    配方类型: POLISH
    配方说明: Auto Polish, Liquid
    配方组成: Morpholine/2.0
    Water phase
    Oleic acid/12
    Oleic acid/2.5
    C: Morpholine/1.5
    "Snow Floss" or "Kaopolite" SF-O/12.0
    D: Snow Floss/14.0
    KOH (Solid-technical grade)/2
    B: Dow Corning DC-200 silicone, 350 ctks/4
    A: "Petrolite" C-7500 wax/100
    Gelwhite GP/2.0
    "EPOLENE" E-10 wax/1.6
    Stoddard solvent/19
    "DC-20" silicone fluid (350 cs)/2.0
    Tall oil fatty acid/3.0
    "Stoddard" solvent/34.5
    配制方法: Combine the silicone fluid, "EPOLENE" E-10 wax, tall oil fatty acid and "Stoddard" solvent. Heat the mixture to 180-190'F (82-88'C) and maintain this temperature until a clear solution if formed. Add "Snow Floss" or "Kaopolite" SF-O abrasive cleaner with good agitation.
    Thoroughly disperse the "Gelwhite" GP in water with strong agitation and heat the dispersion to 170'F (77'C). Add morpholine to the oil phase.
    Then add the "Gelwhite" GP dispersion to the oil phase with good agitation. Cool rapidly.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码