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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Elastomeric Sealant, Construction
    配方组成: Molecular Sieve (4A)/1.0
    One Step Formulation (Constant Low Humidity Conditions)
    1. Combine DPM-1002 resin, plasticizer and "thixcin" R. Blend with a
    high shear mixer until a temperature of 130-140'F. is reached.
    2. Add "Silane" and blend in with slow speed mixer. Add remaining
    ingredients and blend the entire formulation with a slow speed mixer.
    3. Pass over a tight three roll mill until a Hegman value of six or less
    is indicated.
    4. Package in moisture-impermeable containers.
    Three Step Formulation (Variable Humidity Conditions)
    Step 1
    combine the CaO2 and BaO with sufficient plasticizer and "Thixcin" R to
    form a low viscosity paste. Molecular sieves may be included to help
    remove any moisture present. For example, the following components of
    the formulation may be used to prepare an activator paste
    "Aroclor" 1254/40.0
    "Silane" A-189/1.0
    Calcium Peroxide/10.0
    Barium Oxide/1.4
    Dioctyl Phthalate
    配制方法: Grind on a three roll mill with minimum air exposure. Store in moisture-impermeable containers.
    Ideally, the activator should be prepared under dry air, dry nitrogen or vacuum. Totally enclosed equipment might be suitable if adequate grinding can be obtained.
    Step 2 Process the remaining components of the formulation with a procedure identical to that used in the one step technique.
    Step 3 Combine proper proportions of materials produced in Steps 1 and 2 by blending with a slow speed mixer under a dry atmosphere.
    Package in containers which will prevent moisture contamination during storage. Aluminumfoil lined cardboard cartridges appear to be satisfactory.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码