配方类型: |
配方说明: |
High Heat Resistant Adhesives |
配方组成: |
Methylethyl Ketone/- Part B "Neoprene" AD-20/- Hexane/- Hexane/- Zinc Oxide/5.0 "Neoprene" AD-30/- "Neoprene" AD-20/50.0 "Neoprene" AC/50.0 "Maglite" D/4.0 Zinc Oxide/5.0 "Agerite" Resin D/2.0 "Neoprene" AC/- Toluene/111.0 Methylethyl Ketone/111.0 Hexane/111.0 "Agerite" Resin D/2.0 "Neoprene" AD-30/100.0 "SP-154"/45.0 "Maglite" D/4.5 Water/2.0 Toluene/16.0 "SP-154"/45.0 Methylethyl Ketone/16.0 Hexane/16.0 "Maglite" D/4.5 Toluene/333.0 Water/2.0 "Maglite" D/4.0 Toluene/48.0 Methylethyl Ketone/- |
配制方法: |
To obtain optimum heat resistance, Part A should be mixed in the conventional manner on a rubber mill, and then dissolved in the solvent system shown under "A." Part B, the resin and "Maglite" D, should be dissolved in the water and solvent system, and pre-reacted for a minimum of 6 hours prior to blending with Part A. use of "SP-154" will result in excellent heat resistance, as well as a completely non-phasing formulation. "SP-155" will produce formulations with heat resistance slightly less than "SP-154," but with longer open-time. Its phase resistance, while excellent, is not as good as SP-154. |