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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Polyester Coating for Wood
    配方组成: Styrene (monomer)/47.25
    Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide/1.00
    Half-Second Butyrate/4.00
    Viscosity, 77'F., cp./180.00
    X5841-25 (solid resin)*/47.25
    Cobalt naphthenate (6% metal)/0.50
    配制方法: The solid resin is heated to 250'F and the Half-Second Butyrate then added with agitation, followed by addition of the styrene. this solution is very stable at room temperature as the inclusion of Half-second Butyrate does not affect its stability. the two catalysts, cobalt naphthenate and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, are added to the solution immediately before application of the coating.

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