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    配方类型: FOODS
    配方说明: Veal, Type Patties
    配方组成: Beef Kidney Suet*/25.0
    Monosodium Glutamate/3.0
    "TVP": Seasoned Chunks or Minced/25.0
    White Pepper/1.0
    Egg Albumen/5.0
    *If desired, hydrogenated vegetable shortening can be substituted.
    配制方法: 1. Partially hydrate "TVP" by letting it stand in hot water for 30 minutes.
    2. Mix ingredients, then chop** for 45 seconds and grind trough 3/8 inch plate in meat grinder.
    3. Form into patties.
    4. Coat with egg and bread crumbs or with commercial breading mix.
    5. refrigerate until fried or broiled (not longer than 1 day).
    **If no chopper is available, double grind ingredients.

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