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    配方类型: FOODS
    配方说明: Removing Fruit and Vegetable Skin
    配制方法: Peach skins are removed easily by exposure for one minute in a five percent solution of "metso" Pentabead pentahydrate metasilicate at boiling temperature. Peas can be peeled in similar fashion, and soaking grain in a silicate solution for several hours will loosen its outer covering. A two percent solution of pentahydrate metasilicate has been used to remove the skins of Brazil nuts.
    A solution of two to three pounds of pentahydrate metasilicate per gallon of boiling water is used to peel potatoes. Immersion of the vegetable for one minute results in the formation of steam between the skin and the flesh of the potato, forcing the skin to loosen. A small amount of abrasion will remove the skin like a glove.

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