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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: White Four-Hour Exterior Enamel, Lead Free
    配方组成: "Titanox" R-610/250
    Premix and then disperse on a roll mill to a fineness of grind
    of 7 ns
    Nuodex Calcium naphthene 4%/13
    "Exkin" No.2/2
    Total weight/1122 lb
    Total yield (approx.)/110 gal
    "Aroplaz" 1085-M50/172
    Aluminum stearate/2
    "Titanox" RC/83
    "Aroplaz" 1085 M50/490
    "Synthenol" G-H/45
    Soya lecithin/4
    No. 460 Solvent/56
    Nuodex Cobalt Octoate 6%/5
    配制方法: This coating should be brushed full body.

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