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    配方说明: Flame-Water-Rot-Proof Textile Coating
    配方组成: "Cereclor" 48/5.00
    Paris white/2.00
    China clay/2.60
    "Polymon" Green GN500/0.40
    Cellulose ether/0.75
    Tricersyl phosphate/3.50
    Sodium hexametaphosphate/0.1
    Solvent naphtha/21.00
    "Alloprene" 20/5.50
    Antimony oxide/7.00
    "Mobil" Wax 2305/1.50
    Zinc borate/5.00
    配制方法: The impregnant is prepared by warming together the "Mobil" Wax, "Cereclor" 42 and tricresyl phosphate to give a homogenous mixture which is added to the solvent. The chlorinated rubber and pentachlorophenol are dissolved in the resulting solution. All the pigments are then added and ball-milled for 2-3 hours. The mill-base is dispersed in the watr phase using high speed stirring. A smooth cream is obtained of density to 9.0-9.5 lb/gal according to the pigment content. The emulsion is of good stability and can be diluted in water.

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