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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Foamed-In-Place Sealant for Aluminum (Low Temp.)
    配方组成: "Fiberfax" washed fibers/42.6
    B: castor oil, U.S.P./24.8
    Water (distilled)/0.6
    A: "Adiprene" L 100/100.0
    配制方法: Component A.---The Fiberfax fibers are dried at 100-110'C for at least 1 hr, cooled to room temperature, and then mixed with the Adiprene L 100 in a Hobart mixer, or equivalent, until a uniform blend was obtained.
    Component B.---The castor oil is placed in a mixer that provides good agitation, and the other components are added in the order listed above.
    Sealant.---Component A is added to Component B in a heavy duty mixer. It is recommended that no more be prepared than would be used in about 30 min.
    This sealant is designed for use on aluminum substrates.
    The surfaces to be sealed must be thoroughly cleaned with acetone or methyl ethyl ketone; then apply one brush-coat of Chemlock 607 primer to the cleaned surfaces and allow it to air dry not less than 30 min before application of the sealant. The sealant mixture can be applied with a calling gun or with a trowel. the sealant will cure to a tackfree condition in 8 hr at 25'C and is fully cured in 18 hr at this temperature, but a 4-hr post

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