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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Non-Sagging Masonry Sealant
    配方组成: Calcium Carbonate (wet ground)/20
    Titanium Dioxide/10
    Stearic Acid/1.0
    Polysulfide Resin/100
    Accelerator (lead peroxide in DBT)/15
    Thickener and additives/To suit
    配制方法: A non-sagging polysulfide sealant containing a phenolic tackifyer can be prepared with 1.2 phr CAB-O-SIL M-5 and 0.3% ethylene glycol dispersed in the resin. Excellent shelf stability and nonsagging properties during pot life can be obtained with this formulation. Since phenolic tackifiers stain masonry, epoxy tackifiers or other substitutes are often used.
    When an epoxy tackifier is used in the formulation, it is added to the accelerator portion. In this formulation 1.6 phr CAB-O-SIL M-5, 0.2% ethylene glycol, and 0.2% "Triton" X-100 is needed to produce a shelf stable sealant composition.

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