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    配方说明: Flotation of Minerals Hematite
    配制方法: "Pamak"* 4 can be used to concentrate the various hematites, especially specular hematite, by means of flotation. After grinding, the system is adjusted to a pH of 7-8 with caustic or soda ash to get good dispersion of the Pamak 4. The ore is "conditioned" with the pamak 4 for 10 min at 60-70% solids. This is merely a vigorous agitation to thoroughly disperse the Pamak 4 and bring it into contact with the mineral. The ore is then diluted to 25% solids and passed into the flotation cells. From 0.5-1.0 lb of Pamak 4 per ton of ore is used, and the rougher concentrate is removed and "cleaned" once or twice, depending on the grade of concentrate desired. This cleaning operation is merely another flotation at lower solids and nearly all the hematite is floated, leaving the impurities behind.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码