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    配方说明: Soybean Milk
    配制方法: Soybeans, 300 g, are washed and soaked in water at room temperature for 4 to 5 hr or until the beans are swelled. Steep water is then poured off, and 2.5 l of fresh water added. Small portions of the soybeanwater mixture are comminuted in a blender until finely ground (about 2 min).
    the combined bean mash is allowed to settle for 10 min before the foam is removed. The mash is strained through a doublelayered cheescloth yielding approximately 2.3-2.5 l of a milky filtrate, commonly called soybean milk.
    soybean Protein.
    The soybean milk, if necessary, is made up to 2.5 l with water and heated to boiling, preferably in a steamer or double boiler to avoid scorching. After cooling the milk to about 80'C, a solution of 4.5 g of anyhdrous MgSO4 in 40 ml of water, or a suspension of 7.5 g CaSO4-2H2O in 40 ml of water, is added to the milk very slowly with gentle mixing by a scoop instead of a glass rod to prevent a breakdown of the curd that forms. As the curd settles, the whey should be clear.

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